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Last reviews

Tiffany chen noted

(Translated by Google) The Guobao Pork is very good and crispy. The cold skin is not as tasty but it’s okay. (Original) 鍋包肉很不錯味道夠也很脆,涼皮味道比較沒入味不過還行

丽丽 noted

(Translated by Google) I went with my friends. The pot-roasted pork was delicious, the cold noodles were delicious, and the eggplant was delicious too. Everyone has different tastes. I think her dishes are all delicious! (Original) 和朋友一起去的,锅包肉好吃,冷面好吃,茄子也很好吃,每个人的口味不一样,我觉得她家的菜都很好吃!

tv xiiao noted

À Paris, dégustez de véritables saveurs du nord-est de la Chine. Le poisson à l'eau est piquant et tendre, la nouvelle brochette de poitrine de porc est inoubliable, le porc sauté est savoureux et parfait avec du riz, et les nouilles froides au gluten sont délicieusement assaisonnées. De plus, d'autres plats typiques du nord-est éveillent également l'appétit par leur arôme envoûtant. (Translated by Google) In Paris, taste real flavors from northeast China. The boiled fish is tangy and tender, the new pork belly skewer is unforgettable, the stir-fried pork is flavorful and perfect with rice, and the cold gluten noodles are deliciously seasoned. In addition, other typical northeastern dishes also whet the appetite with their captivating aroma.

Opening hours

  • Mon - Tue : 11h-15h, 18h-23h
  • Wed: Closed
  • Thur - Sun : 11h-15h, 18h-23h
  • Opens at 11:00

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7 Rue Saint-Laurent
75010 Paris, France

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